Ryan Allan Johnson

Son, Brother, Entrepreneur

Ryan started his first business at the age of 15, selling water bottles and snacks outside of Arizona Diamondback games. Since then, the entrepreneurial spirit caught hold. Ryan recently sold Red Rover Fire Protection, a successful mobile service company that specialized in the maintenance and inspections of fire and life safety equipment.  Founded in 2007 from the ground up by Ryan at age 20, Red Rover Fire managed over 1,000 commercial properties in the greater Phoenix metro area. His latest start-up and largest to date (to be announced shortly) is set to launch in Q4 of 2015.

Brand development and graphic design has always been a large part of all of Ryan's projects. Attention to detail and fresh ideas have made his talent stand out and sought after. While once a hobby, Ryan is now offering his graphic design and business development services. Please feel free to contact Ryan directly for a quote on your project.

Who's Ryan?